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重庆国际高端生活(奢侈品)博览会, 举办时间:-/11/8----/11/10 举办展馆:重庆国际会议展览中心;重庆市南岸区江南大道2号 乘车路线 所属行业:进出口 展会城市:重庆|重庆市 主办单位:世界奢侈品协会 中国奢侈品贸易委员会 重庆市海外交流协会 承办单位:重庆高地会展咨询服务中心 重庆沃德展览有限公司(重庆会展十强企业) 举办周期:一年一届 官方-:-://.goldenexpo.org 参观登记 展位预订 设计搭建 本展会所属专题:进出口展会(6) 展会简介 世界奢侈品协会(WLA)城市巡展活动---重庆国际高端生活(奢侈品)博览会- Chongqing International High-end Lifestyle(Luxury) Exhibition;11月8-10日; ;重庆国际会议展览中心8-10 Nov.,-;; Chongqing Int'l Convention & Exhibition Center;主办:世界奢侈品协会;; 重庆市商业委员会;; 重庆市海外交流协会承办:高地会展咨询顾问机构;; 重庆沃德展览有限公司(重庆会展十强企业)Sponsor: World Luxury Association, Chongqing Commi- of Commerce and Chongqing Overseas Exchange AssociationOr-izer: Chongqing Golden Conference & Exhibition Consulting Agency,Chongqing World Exhibition Co., Ltd. (one of top ten enterprises in the field of Chongqing);■;;; 潜能巨大的中国西部市场让奢侈品行业变阵西进Luxury Industry Finds Its Way in West China with High Potential M-et. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;中国已成为世界最大的奢侈品消费群体,购买了全球25%奢侈品。-贝恩公司《中国奢侈品市场研究报告》受益于国家政策,区域经济迅猛发展,重庆与东部沿海城市一道跻身奢侈品最青睐的十大城市之一,迅速崛起的中西部市场潜能巨大。-《-中国奢侈品消费报告》目前重庆有12500位千万富豪,800位亿万富豪。-《-胡润财富报告》重庆奢侈品市场销售额每年递增35%,世界品牌实验室公布的国际一线品牌共280个,有227个已经落户重庆,占到八成以上。-市商委重庆实现地区生产总值11459亿元,GDP增幅在全国第二,在西部位居第一。-市-参加展览会是欧洲企业首选营销工具,是短时间与需求人群接触最多的媒介,是唯一利用人体感官的营销活动。-德国展览业协会China proves to have the largest group of consumers on luxury in the world, who buys 25% of the luxury of the world, according to Bain & Company in its Research Report on Chinese Luxury M-et. Chongqing ascends up to be one of the top ten metropolises consuming luxury along with China’s coastal cities as a result of being benefited from the favorable national policies and rap regional economic growth. The - enjoys a great potential in the raply rising central and western China according to Report on Luxury Consumption in China -. Currently, there are 12,500 multimilli-es and 800 billi-es in Chongqing according Hurun Report -.The sales volume of luxury grows 35% annually in Chongqing. These luxuries include 227 out of 280 brands listed by the World Brand Lab, over 80%, according to Chongqing Commi- of Commerce.Chongqing realized its regional GDP of 1.1459 trillion yuan in -, with a growth rate ranking No. 2 in China and No. 1 in West China, according to Chongqing Municipality Bureau of Statistics.Participation in exhibitions is taken as a priority of -ing by European enterprises as it proves the west contact opportunities in a very short spell and is the only -ing activity enabling customers to experience the products on the sport, according to AUMA.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;■活力都市,品味奢华,专注顶级高端生活Eying on High-end Lifestyle and Luxury Taste in a Dynamic Metropolis;;;;;;;;;;;深度解读高端、奢华、-品牌文化及内涵,将集中展示当今国际高端消费品品牌文化与魅力,实现潮流与时尚、艺术与奢华的完美结合。采用;定向邀请、预约参观;的方式,通过私人银行一对一邀请高净值银行会员,联合私人飞机、游艇、豪车、高尔夫、马术、红酒等领域的高端-和会所,企业家联盟的高层人士,借助高端对话,凝聚行业智慧,为品牌、市场、消费者搭建一个高规格交流平台。The exhibition will be a show of culture and attractiveness of the prevailing high-end international brands of consumptions, in which the participants will have a deeper understanding of the culture of the luxury brands and will see a perfect marriage between trend and fashion, art and luxuriousness. Participants and guests will be welcomed by sending invitation and appointment arrangement. Their presence will be accompanied by private banking -s provin-embership for high-net-worth indivuals, high-end clubs of private aircraft, yacht, luxury sedan, golf, equestrian sports and wine. High-l-l persons of allied enterprises, representing the in-ligence of their industries, will gather to build a special-sized platform through dialogues for brands, - and the consumers.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;■同期活动让品牌文化深度传播Intensifying Brand Culture Understanding via Parallel Activities -慈善晚宴/欢迎晚宴;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-国际奢侈品消费趋势论坛-顶级品牌新品发布; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-顶级珠宝腕表展示秀 ;-顶级雪茄红酒品鉴会;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-高端艺术品拍卖会 ;;-海外投资置业移民讲座;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;-海外旅游推介 ;;- Charity/Welcome Dinner -- Forum on International Luxury Consumption Trend- High-end Brand Product Release- High-end Jewelry and Watch Show- Top-brand Cigar and Wine -- High-end Arts & Crafts Auction- Lecture on Overseas Investment and House Purchasing- Promotion on Overseas Traveling;■顶级私人物品,奢华视觉盛宴A Grand Visual Feast on Show-顶级跑车、豪华轿车、越野车、摩托车;-私人飞机、豪华游艇;-名贵钟表、珠宝、翡翠、钻石;;;;;;;; -时装、箱包、皮具、饰物;-豪华别墅、地产;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -顶级家具、家俬、家居用品;-艺术品、古董、字画;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -私人金融、银行、投资理财服务;-豪华旅游、顶级酒店、度假村;;;;;;;;; -尖端高科技产品(通讯/运动/保健器材)-顶级私人会所、-;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -高档酒类、雪茄、烟具;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-养生、医疗、保健;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -时尚设计、定制服务、高端卖场等。- Top sports cars,Limousines,Cross-country,and Motorcycles- private planes, luxury yacht- Expensive watch, jewelry, emerald, diamond- Fashion, suitcase and bag, leather product, accessories- Luxurious villa and real estate- Top-quality furniture, household -s- Arts and crafts, antiques, calligraphies and paintings- - -s on financing, banking and investment-Luxurious traveling, ho- and vacation -s- High-end sci-tech products (communication/sports/health care equipment)- High-end private club- Top-brand liquor and wine, cigar and -oking sets- Regimen, medicare and healthcare- Fashion design, tailored -s and high-end shoppin-all;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;■LUXURY Chongqing -参展细则Exhibits Details□展位规格:1、本次展会设3M×3M国际标准展位,内设2.5M高壁板、一条楣板、一张洽谈桌、两把椅子、两盏射灯、220V、5A电源插座一个。2、室内空地,36平方米起租,仅提供相应空地。展示器具、用电、搭建等事项自理。□收费标准:标准展位:境内企业-16800/个; ;;;境外企业US$ 3500/个室内光地:境内企业-1600/m2; ;;;;;境外企业US$ 350/ m2□会刊及其它宣传服务:封;;; 面:30000元/页;;;; 封; 底:-0元/页;;; ;;扉; 页:-0元/页封二、三:15000元/页;;;; 普通彩页:8000元/页;;; ;;门票广告:-0元/万张;; 刀旗广告:10000元/200面; 喜庆宝:6000元/座;;; ;;;彩 虹 门:5000元/座□商业活动:需申请商业推广或赞助活动的企业请向组委会索取议程安排表。;;;;;;;;;; Booth specification:1.; International standard boot- are proved (3m ×3m, a carpet, 2.5m wall boards, a name plate, a desk, two chairs, two lights, a 220V/ 5A outlet)2.; Indoor open -: for lease 36m2 and above. Participating units will take care of facilities, power and booth construction.;;;;;;;;;;;; Fees:Standard boot-: Domestic enterprises;; - ¥ 16800/one;;; Overseas enterprises;; US$3500/oneOpen - indoors: Domestic enterprises - ¥ 1600/m2; Overseas enterprises;; US$350/m2;;;;;;;;;;;;; Sponsorship: Any sponsor to the exhibition would be welcome. Grand opportunity to highlight your products and your company. Details will be proved for further request.;;;;;;;;;;;; Call for sub-activity: Any theme and promotion activity would be encouraged and welcome. Please Contact Or-izing Commi- if interested.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;■LUXURY Chongqing -参展手续Exhibits; Procedures□参展单位请详细填写《参展合约书》并加盖公章,于10月10日前传真或复印后寄至大会组织办公室,并于申请之日起5个工作日内向大会指定银行汇出参展费用(凡未在规定期限内办理付款手续的展位一律不予保留)。□组委会于会期前一个月左右将《参展商手册》(有关日程安排、展品运输、酒店接待、展台设计搭建、物品租用与服务以及签证申请等信息)寄、送至各参展商。?;;;;;;;;;;; Please fill in the application form, fax or mail (officially sealed) to the Or-izing Commi-, and remit the relevant fees to the designated bank account within 5 working days. The commi- will arrange the boot- according to the arrival dates of the fees. First Come, First Served!?;;;;;;;;;;; Please notify the or-izing office one month before the exhibition opens if extra power will be needed, or special platform will be set up.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;■LUXURY Chongqing -大会组织办公室Or-izing Commi-:地址:重庆市南岸区江南大道27号江南明珠8-9F;;; 邮编:400060 ; 参展范围 ■顶级私人物品,奢华视觉盛宴A Grand Visual Feast on Show-顶级跑车、豪华轿车、越野车、摩托车;-私人飞机、豪华游艇;-名贵钟表、珠宝、翡翠、钻石;;;;;-时装、箱包、皮具、饰物;-豪华别墅、地产;;;;;;;;;;;-顶级家具、家俬、家居用品;-艺术品、古董、字画;;;;;;;;;-私人金融、银行、投资理财服务;-豪华旅游、顶级酒店、度假村;;;;; -尖端高科技产品(通讯/运动/保健器材)-顶级私人会所、-;;;;;;;;-高档酒类、雪茄、烟具;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-养生、医疗、保健;;;;;;;;;;-时尚设计、定制服务、高端卖场等。- Top sports cars,Limousines,Cross-country,and Motorcycles- private planes, luxury yacht- Expensive watch, jewelry, emerald, diamond- Fashion, suitcase and bag, leather product, accessories- Luxurious villa and real estate- Top-quality furniture, household -s- Arts and crafts, antiques, calligraphies and paintings- - -s on financing, banking and investment-Luxurious traveling, ho- and vacation -s- High-end sci-tech products (communication/sports/health care equipment)- High-end private club- Top-brand liquor and wine, cigar and -oking sets- Regimen, medicare and healthcare- Fashion design, tailored -s and high-end shoppin-all 参展费用 国内标摊:16800元/个国外标摊:3500美元/个国内特装:1600元/㎡国外特装:350美元/㎡; - ■LUXURY Chongqing -大会组织办公室Or-izing Commi-:地址:重庆市南岸区江南大道27号江南明珠8-9F;;邮编:400060;电话:86-23-88360613;88360601;; -://.goldenexpo.org传真:86-23-88360606;88360608;; E-mail:2441014148@qq联系人: 罗丽 15023094876Add: 8-9F, Jiangnan Mingzhu Building, No.27, Jiangnan Ave., Nan’an District, Chongqing, ChinaP.C: 400060Tel: +86 23;88360613;88360601;Fax: +86 23;88360608 E-mail:2441014148@qq;Visiting us at .goldenexpo.org 展位预定: 参观咨询: --> 由于本站部分展会信息来源于会员发布及网络,不完全保证信息的的准确性、真实性,如果您有任何疑问请联系我们。 。宣城展会信息发布。
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宣城展会信息 重庆国际高端生活(奢侈品)博览会
